INVITATION for CALL in project for Centre of Competence “Smart Mechatronic, Eco- and Energy Saving Systems and Technologies”

INVITATION for CALL(updated)

For selection of associated partners in project for Centre of Competence “Smart Mechatronic, Eco- and Energy Saving Systems and Technologies”

To all natural persons and legal entities and consortia thereof


With regard to the elaboration of a project for creation and development of Centre of Competence “Smart Mechatronic, Eco- And Energy Saving Systems And Technologies", in the field of Mechatronics and Clean Technologies under Procedure BG05M2ОP001-1.002 “CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF CENTRES OF COMPETENCE” of Operational Programme  “SCIENCE AND EDUCATION FOR SMART GROWTH” 2014-2020

On behalf of the Project partners, all natural persons and legal entities and consortia thereof constituting an interested party with regard to the project implementation and involved in the implementation of the project activities but which do not spend grant funding, are invited to participate in selection procedure for Associated Partners, according to Art. 1, Para. 1 of CMD №162/2016 г.

The persons and their representatives must meet the criteria of Art. 1 (3) of GUIDELINES FOR APPLICANTS.

The deadline for submission of written applications is extended until 5 p.m. on 15th December, 2016. The applications should be sent to the following e-mail address:

The Application must be applied by:

  1. Declaration(regarding of no conflict of interest completed by the Associated Partner) Annexe IIа.
  2. Documents for project evaluation – Annexe 1


Guidelines Centers Competence

The Documents for participation in the Call procedure and the Presentation of the project Centre of Competence “Smart Mechatronic, Eco- and Energy Saving Systems and Technologies”are published on the following addresses:  - Technical University Gabrovo – Technical University Sofia – Technical University Sofia – branch Plovdiv