Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics

Dean: Prof. Zvezditsa Petrova Nenova, Ph.D.
room: 3113, 1205
tel.: +359 66 827 396, +359 66 827 376
e-mail: nenova@tugab.bg
Vice Dean for academic affairs: Assoc. Prof. Boyan Dimitrov Karapenev, Ph.D.
  room: 3113, 3203
tel.: +359 66 827 396, +359 66 827 415
e-mail: bkarapenev@tugab.bg
Vice Dean for research and human resources: Assoc. Prof. Stanimir Yordanov Yordanov, Ph.D.
  room: 3113, 3313
tel.: +359 66 827 396, +359 66 827 571
e-mail: sjjordanov@mail.bg
Faculty Office room: 3102
tel.: +359 66 827 216
Head of Faculty Office: Ms. Tsvetanka Ilieva Todorova, eng.
Inspector: Ms. Silviya Hristova Dencheva

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics was established by an Act of the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria No 276 of 22.07.1983.

Training in electrical engineering courses has been conducted at the Technical University of Gabrovo ever since it was founded in 1964. Initially students were trained in the Electrical Machines and Apparatuses degree course. In 1967 full-time training began in the Semiconductor and Industrial Electronics degree course. Until the end of 2007 more than 9200 engineers graduated from the faculty.

A total of 12 scientific majors have been accredited at the faculty for studies leading to a Ph.D. degree.

The duration of studies for attaining the academic degree of Bachelor is four years (eight semesters), while the studies leading to the degree of Master last three semesters for Bachelor degree holders in the same major and five semesters for Bachelor degree holders in a different major and for Vocational Bachelor degree holders. The duration of training required for attaining the academic degree of Doctor for Master degree holders is three years.

The faculty has modern facilities and equipment. International exchange of students and academic staff is conducted on the basis of cooperation agreements signed with a number of foreign universities. Students can pursue part of their studies or develop their graduation theses in foreign universities.