Проф. дн инж. Галя Великова Дунчева

prof Duncheva

Родена на 06.07.1960 г. в гр. Плевен

Завършва машинно инженерство през 1983 г.

Защитава дисертация през 2006 г. за присъждане на образователна и научна степен "доктор" по научна специалност "Машинознание и машинни елементи"

Защитава дисертация през 2017 г. за присъждане на научната степен "доктор на науките" по научна специалност "Приложна механика"

Доцент по Машинни елементи (2007 г.)

Професор по Машинни елементи (2013 г.)

Заместник-декан по научно-изследователската дейност и кадрови потенциал към факултет "Машиностроене и уредостроене" (2020 г.)

Носител на златни медали на изложения за изобретения и иновации у нас и в чужбина (Brussels, 2011).

Рецензент в 9 международни научни списания на Elsevier, SAGE, Springer, индексирани от Web of Science и Scopus.

Автор на над 120 научни статии у нас и чужбина (в списания на Elsevier, SAGE, Springer); 4 книги; 1 монографии в чужбина; над 10 изобретения, защитени с патенти у нас и в чужбина (САЩ, Украйна, Русия).

Включена в: издания на Who's Who; „International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England” – 2000 outstanding intellectuals of the 21st century.

Преподавани дисциплини:

  • Машинни елементи
  • Машинни елементи – проект
  • Машинознание
  • Компютърни методи в механика на непрекъснатата среда
  • Специални (нестандартни) методи и инструменти за обработване – модул: Методи и инструменти за повишаване на уморната дълготрайност

Научни интереси:

  • Компютърно моделиране за анализ на напрегнатото и деформирано състояние на машинни елементи и механични системи;
  • Числени симулации на машинни елементи и процеси за повишаване на уморната дълготрайност на конструкционни елементи посредством  управление на полезните остатъчни напрежения на натиск;
  • CAE системи в машинното инженерство;
  • Синтез и анализ на методи за повишаване на уморната дълготрайност на конструкционни елементи с естествени концентратори.

Някои публикации в списания с импакт фактор

1. Duncheva GV, Maximov JT, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP, Argirov YB, Velkov S. Modeling and optimization of surface integrity and sliding wear resistance of diamond-burnished holes in austenitic stainless steel cylinder lines. Machines 2023, 11, 872
2. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV. The correlation between surface integrity and operating behaviour of slide burnished components – a review and prospects. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13, 3313
3. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP, Argirov YB, Nikolova MP. Effects of heat treatment and diamond burnishing on fatigue behaviour and corrosion resistance of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13, 2570
4. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP, Argirov YB, Todorov VP, Mechkarova T. Effects of heat treatment and severe surface plastic deformation on mechanical characteristics, fatigue and wear of Cu-10Al-5Fe bronze. Materials 2022, 15, 8905
5. Maximov JT, Dikova TD, Duncheva GV, Georgiev GP. Influence of factors in the photopolymerization process on dental composites microhardness. Materials 2022, 15, 6459, https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15186459
6. Duncheva GV, Maximov JT, Anchev AP, Dunchev VD, Argirov YB, Kandeva-Ivanova M. Enhancement of the wear resistance of CuAl9Fe4 sliding bearing bushings via diamond burnishing. Wear 510-511 (2022) 204491
7. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP, Argirov YB. Effect of Diamond Burnishing on Fatigue Behaviour of AISI 304 Chromium-Nickel Austenitic Stainless Steel. Materials. 2022; 15(14):4768. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15144768
8. Duncheva GV, Maximov JT, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP, Argirov YB, Ganev N, Drumeva DK. Improvement of surface integrity of CuAl8Fe3 bronze via diamond burnishing. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 119 (2022) 5885-5902
9. Duncheva GV, Maximov JT, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP, Argirov YB, Ganev N, Capek J. Fatigue strength improvement in CuAl8Fe3 bronze via diamond burnishing. J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng (2021) 43:569 DOI: 10.1007/s40430-021-03296-8
10. Duncheva GV, Maximov JT, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP, Argirov YB. Improvement in wear resistance performance of CuAl8Fe3 single-phase aluminum bronze via slide diamond burnishing. J Mater Eng and Perform 31 (2022) 2466-2478
11. Duncheva GV, Maximov JT, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP, Argirov Y. B. Multi-objective optimization of internal diamond burnishing process. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 37(4) (2022) 428-436
12. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Dunchev VP, Anchev AP. Different strategies for finite element simulations of static mechanical surface treatment processes—a comparative analysis. J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. 43, 371 (2021) DOI: 10.1007/s40430-021-03085-3
13. Duncheva GV, Maximov JT, Dunchev VP, Anchev AP, Atanasov TP. Improvement in Fatigue Performance of 2024-T3 Al Alloy Via Single Toroidal Roller Burnishing. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 30(3) (2021) 2256–2266
14. Duncheva GV, Maximov JT, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP, Atanasov TP, Capek J. Finite element and experimental study of the residual stresses in 2024-T3 Al alloy treated via single toroidal burnishing. J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng (2021) DOI: 10.1007/s40430-020-02775-8
15. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Anhev AP, Dunchev VP, Capec J. A cost-effective optimization approach for improving the fatigue strength of diamond-burnished steel components. J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng 43(1), 33 (2021). DOI: 10.1007/s40430-020-02723-6
16. Duncheva GV, Maximov JT, Dunchev VP, Anhev AP, Atanasov TP, Capec J. Single toroidal roller burnishing of 2024-T3 Al alloy implemented as mixed burnishing process. Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2020) DOI: 10.1007/s00170-020-06350-2
17. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP. Slide burnishing versus deep rolling – a comparative analysis. J Adv Manuf Technol 110 (2020) 1923-1939
18. Duncheva GV, Maximov JT, Ganev N, Anchev AP. Fatigue life enhancement of a D16AT aluminium alloy for aircraft components with fastener holes. Strength of Materials 52(1) (2020) 1-15.
19. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP, Ichkova MD. Improvement in fatigue strength of 41Cr4 steel through slide diamond burnishing. J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng (2020) 42:197 DOI: 10.1007/s40430-020-02276-8
20. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP. Smoothing, deep or mixed diamond burnishing of low-alloy steel components – optimization procedures. J Adv Manuf Technol 106 (2020) 1917-1929
21. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Anchev AP, Ichkova MD. Slide burnishing – review and prospects. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 104 (2019) 785-801
22. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Anchev AP, Amudjev IM. New method and tool for increasing fatigue life of a large number of small fastener holes in 2024-T3 Al-alloy. J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng (2019) DOI:10.1007/s40430-019-1709-8
23. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Anchev AP, Ganev N, Dunchev VP. Effect of cyclic hardening on fatigue performance of slide burnishing components made of low-alloy medium carbon steel. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 42(6) (2019) 1414-1425
24. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Anchev AP. A temperature-dependent, non-linear kinematic/isotropic hardening material constitutive model of the surface layer of 37Cr4 steel subjected to slide burnishing. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 44(6) (2019) 5851-5862
25. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP. Crack resistance enhancement of joint bar holes by slide diamond burnishing using new tool equipment. J Adv Manuf Technol 102 (2019) 3151-3164
26. Maximov JT, Anchev AP, Duncheva GV, Ganev N, Selimov KF, Dunchev VP. Impact of slide diamond burnishing additional parameters on fatigue behaviour of 2024-T3 Al alloy. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 42(1) (2019) 363-373
27. Maximov, J.T., Duncheva, G.V., Anchev, A.P., Ganev, N., Amudjev, I.M., Dunchev, V.P. Effect of slide burnishing method on the surface integrity of AISI 316Ti chromium-nickel steel. J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng (2018) 40: 194. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40430-018-1135-3
28. Maximov JT, Anchev AP, Dunchev VP, Ganev N, Duncheva GV, Selimov KF. Effect of slide burnishing basic parameters on fatigue performance of 2024-T3 high-strength aluminium alloy. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 40(11) (2017) 1893-1904.
29. Maximov J.T. , Anchev A.P., Duncheva G.V., Ganev N., Selimov K.F. Influence of the process parameters on the surface roughness, micro-hardness, and residual stresses in slide burnishing of high-strength aluminum alloys. J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng 39(8) (2017) 3067-3078.
30. Duncheva G.V., MaximovJ.T., Ganev N. A new conception for enhancement of fatigue life of large number of fastener holes in aircraft structures. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 40(2) (2017) 176-189.
31. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Amudjev IM, Anchev AP, Ganev N. A new approach for pre-stressing of rail-end-bolt holes. Proc. IMechE, Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science 231 (12) (2017) 2284-2290
32. Maximov JT, Anchev AP, Duncheva GV. Modeling of the friction in tool-workpiece system in diamond burnishing process. Coupled Systems Mechanics 4 (4) (2015) 279-295.
33. Duncheva GV, MaximovJT, Ganev N, Ivanova M. Fatigue life enhancemenet of welded stiffened S355 steel plates with noncircular openings. J Const Steel Res 112 (2015) 93-107.
34. Maximov J.T., Duncheva G.V., Anchev A.P., Amudjev I.M., Kuzmanov V.T. Enhancement of fatigue life of rail-end-bolt holes by slide diamond burnishing. Engineering Solid Mechanics 2(4) (2014) 247-264.
35. Maximov J. T., Duncheva G. V., Anchev A. P. An approach to modeling time-depending creep and residual stress relaxation around cold worked hoels in aluminium alloys at room temperature. Eng Fail Anal 45 (2014) 1-14.
36. Maximov J. T., Duncheva G. V., Anchev A. P., Ichkova M. D. Modelling of strain hardening behaviour of 2024T3 aluminium alloy at room and high temperatures. Comput Mater Sci 83 (2014) 381-393.
37. Maximov J. T., Duncheva G. V., Ganev N., Amudjev I. M. Modeling of Residual Stress Distribution around Fastener Holes in Thin Plates after Symmetric Cold Expansion. J Braz Soc Mech Sci Eng 36(2) (2014) 355-369.
38. Maximov J. T., Duncheva G. V., Amudjev I. M. A novel method and tool which enhance the fatigue life of structural components with fastener holes. Eng Fail Anal 31 (2013) 132-143.
39. Duncheva G. V., Maximov J. T. A new approach to enhancemenet of fatigue life of rail-end-bolt holes. Eng Fail Anal 29 (2013) 167-179.
40. Maximov J. T., Duncheva G. V., Ganev N. Enhancement of fatigue life of net section in fitted bolt connections. J Const Steel Res 74 (2012) 37-48.
41. Maximov J. T., Duncheva G. V., Amudjev I. M., Kuzmanov T. V. Modelling the power parameters of the spherical motion burnishing. Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 226(2) (2012) 498-510.
42. Maximov J. T., Duncheva G. V. Finite Element Analysis and optimization of spherical motion burnishing of low-alloy steel. Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 226(1) (2012) 161-176.
43. Maximov J. T., G. V. Duncheva, I. M. Amudjev, K. K. Krumov, T. V. Kuzmanov. A new single-roller burnishing technique decreasing roughness obtained. J Mater Sci Eng Adv Technol 2 (2) (2010) 177-202.
44. Maximov JT, Kuzmanov TV, Duncheva GV, Ganev N. Spherical motion burnishing implemented on lathes. Int J Mach Tools Manuf 49 (11) (2009) 824-831.
45. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV. A new 3D finite element model of the spherical mandrelling process. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 44 (6-7) (2008) 372-382.
46. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Kuzmanov TV. Modelling of hardening behaviour of cold expanded holes in medium carbon steel. J Const Steel Res 2008;64(3):261-267.
47. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Ganev N, Bakalova TN. The benefit from adequate finite element simulation of the cold hole expansion process. Eng Fail Anal 2009;16(1):503-511.
48. Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Mitev IN. Modelling of residual stress relaxation around cold expanded holes in carbon steel. J Const Steel Res 2009;65(4):909-917.

Монографии в чужбина

Maximov JT, Duncheva GV, Anchev AP. Fatigue Life Increase of 2024-T3 Aluminium Alloy by Slide Burnishing. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, 2017.

Под ръководството на проф. дн Галя Дунчева са защитили дисертации както следва:
1. гл. ас. д-р инж. Мариана Димитрова Ичкова – 2008
2. гл. ас. д-р инж. Петър Начев Ненчев – 2011
3. д-р инж. Мариета Димитрова Иванова – 2014
4. гл. ас. д-р инж. Милка Григорова Атанасова – 2016
5. гл. ас. д-р инж. Николай Панайотов Марчев – 2016
6. д-р маг. инж. Тихомир Петров Атанасов – 2020
7. Десислава Красимирова Ковачева – 2022